Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Hineygate's Mom's House, Hamburgers & Weddings
To say we were excited about playing with The O.S.U Marching Band at the Penn Sate half time show would be an understatement. To say we were disappointed when we were called and told we were not approved by the Athletic Committee to play the Penn Sate Half time show would be an understatement. ( We had not been told there might be any question in us performing) For one week we were higher than a kite, for the next week we were 6ft under. Bill is a former marching band member and OSU Alumni, Mike retired from OSU after 30 years, being a supervisor over some 350 buildings for their heating 7 cooling. I am an OSU Alumni, and also attended 1st through 6th grades at one of the first alternative schools in America, University School. And while I am at it, my second cousin, the Late DR. Jim Mcreary, was a drum major back in the 1930's and one of the team physicians in later years.
Well anyway, we were bummed. When we were asked, we were given a rehearsal schedule and all systems were: GO.
As we had a show to play in Toledo, we looked for a car and driver to rent, as we did not want to arrive at game day with no sleep. So a limo was commandeered. Although the show was cancelled, the limo was not. The deposit had already been paid. So we took off on that rainy Friday for our limo ride to Toledo, to the Inverness Country Club. Driving into Wendy's was quite a sight for the little old ladies sewing club that stared at us!!! The funny part was, the limo driver was using the GPS system. So the literal shortest distance to Toledo had us on a lot of back roads and even a county road!! What an age we live in!!
Ironically, we were playing the 50th birthday party of Jim Harmon, at the Inverness country Club in Toledo. Jim one of the number one Hineygaters, having been to probably the first one we played back in 1983. The ironic part is, he was being honored Saturday in the shoe at the Penn State game for his contributions to the Athletic Department.
The Wooster fest was certainly a disappointment as lightning and intense rain started in about 40 minutes before show time. However, we were all invited over to a nice bar/restaurant called the Old Jail. While the others headed home, our lovely host, Brenda Coursin took Bill, myself, and my drummer son David over to the Old Jail Sports Bar, where we had a very nice time with all sorts of people. Thank you Woosterites, and the table of fans from Medina, for the endless flow of food, drink and conversation, making our evening warm and wonderful.
The next day we headed up RT23 to Toledo, to play for the Mom's House Benefit Ride. Some 300-motorcyclist rode to raise money for this organization that assists unwed mothers in getting an education then leading them into a career. The event was a success. This was no surprise after meeting the lovely woman that organized the event, Stephanie Koehler, a true professional. It was fun for us, as we got to rock a house full of leather!!
The Hiney gates blur together like different colors of paint being poured from the top of a canvas. An endless stream of sounds, white noise, and faces. The traditional beer flying in the air during Saturday Nights All Right For Fighting, the stage full of wild women, and of course the 'ladies to the shoulders' How can you beat that??

Congratulations to Kellie Jakubowski & Brandon McGilvray. Brandon brought Kellie on stage at the Hiney Gate and proposed to her in front of the thousands assembled at the Illinois game. She said YES!!! These two are hardcore fans; they showed up the next day at out show in St. Joseph's Michigan!!
It is not uncommon to have marriage proposals take place on our stage. Particularly at the Hiney Gate. There have probably been a dozen or more that have taken place. However, this year at Fredericktown we had a first. Shortly after our show ended. A wedding ceremony took place on our stage. Complete with a cake and a very amusing minister, this young couple choose to get married right on the street of their nice town. Congratulations to newlyweds Lynn & Nancy Thayer. If you want to get your tractor or lawnmower fixed, stop in at their shop on Rt. 95!!
When I arrived at the Bowling Green Game I could not help but notice the license plate on a vehicle (Cop talk) in the parking lot: BURGERS.
Later on while passing through the lot, I met the owners of the car, so I had to ask. Turns out they own a legendary restaurant in Michigan that specializes in hamburgers: Redamaks. The family was in town for their daughters Buckeye volleyball game. They were quite nice and their restaurant looks really nice. Hey readers, check it out, & write me about it!!
Well anyway, we were bummed. When we were asked, we were given a rehearsal schedule and all systems were: GO.
As we had a show to play in Toledo, we looked for a car and driver to rent, as we did not want to arrive at game day with no sleep. So a limo was commandeered. Although the show was cancelled, the limo was not. The deposit had already been paid. So we took off on that rainy Friday for our limo ride to Toledo, to the Inverness Country Club. Driving into Wendy's was quite a sight for the little old ladies sewing club that stared at us!!! The funny part was, the limo driver was using the GPS system. So the literal shortest distance to Toledo had us on a lot of back roads and even a county road!! What an age we live in!!
Ironically, we were playing the 50th birthday party of Jim Harmon, at the Inverness country Club in Toledo. Jim one of the number one Hineygaters, having been to probably the first one we played back in 1983. The ironic part is, he was being honored Saturday in the shoe at the Penn State game for his contributions to the Athletic Department.
The Wooster fest was certainly a disappointment as lightning and intense rain started in about 40 minutes before show time. However, we were all invited over to a nice bar/restaurant called the Old Jail. While the others headed home, our lovely host, Brenda Coursin took Bill, myself, and my drummer son David over to the Old Jail Sports Bar, where we had a very nice time with all sorts of people. Thank you Woosterites, and the table of fans from Medina, for the endless flow of food, drink and conversation, making our evening warm and wonderful.
The next day we headed up RT23 to Toledo, to play for the Mom's House Benefit Ride. Some 300-motorcyclist rode to raise money for this organization that assists unwed mothers in getting an education then leading them into a career. The event was a success. This was no surprise after meeting the lovely woman that organized the event, Stephanie Koehler, a true professional. It was fun for us, as we got to rock a house full of leather!!
The Hiney gates blur together like different colors of paint being poured from the top of a canvas. An endless stream of sounds, white noise, and faces. The traditional beer flying in the air during Saturday Nights All Right For Fighting, the stage full of wild women, and of course the 'ladies to the shoulders' How can you beat that??

Congratulations to Kellie Jakubowski & Brandon McGilvray. Brandon brought Kellie on stage at the Hiney Gate and proposed to her in front of the thousands assembled at the Illinois game. She said YES!!! These two are hardcore fans; they showed up the next day at out show in St. Joseph's Michigan!!
It is not uncommon to have marriage proposals take place on our stage. Particularly at the Hiney Gate. There have probably been a dozen or more that have taken place. However, this year at Fredericktown we had a first. Shortly after our show ended. A wedding ceremony took place on our stage. Complete with a cake and a very amusing minister, this young couple choose to get married right on the street of their nice town. Congratulations to newlyweds Lynn & Nancy Thayer. If you want to get your tractor or lawnmower fixed, stop in at their shop on Rt. 95!!
When I arrived at the Bowling Green Game I could not help but notice the license plate on a vehicle (Cop talk) in the parking lot: BURGERS.
Later on while passing through the lot, I met the owners of the car, so I had to ask. Turns out they own a legendary restaurant in Michigan that specializes in hamburgers: Redamaks. The family was in town for their daughters Buckeye volleyball game. They were quite nice and their restaurant looks really nice. Hey readers, check it out, & write me about it!!